Saturday, February 05, 2005

Görhard and Tschorge and his wife Condi

Hey, isn't it cool? Germany will help Iraq to build a nation. Our lovely Chancellor will give up his opposition towards the American version of spreading Democracy to the Middle East. Condi, who subconsciously thinks that she is Bush's wife, just needs to talk to Schröder to reach a point Powell has never reached. Why did the German government do this? Well, George W. promised to come to Germany. He will not stay long and spend most of his time in small towns that are easier to controll for the police who has to protect the guest.
While I think German-American relations should improve, I do not think that Germany should give up opposition to the third Persian Gulf War. That war was wrong and a crime when you consider international law. You might say that Iraqis should not pay the price and need help now. Yeah, they do, but who is the new regime there. The elections were only a first step towards nation building, nothing more. Iraq is no Democracy and will probably never be one.


Blogger CaliValleyGirl said...

"Iraq is no Democracy and will probably never be one."

Oh my God, Becky...gag me with a spoon.
Wow...I am surprised at your extreme predictions. I think everyone has their reasons for being pro or contra "Operation Iraqi Freedom," however, I don't understand your defeatist attitude. Is it just that you don't want to waste time and effort to come to the conclusion that it wasn't worth it? Well, I think if you start out with such an attitude that will definately be the result.
I think there is a definate tendency to think that this is all about America, but actually, it isn't. It is about a country which desperately wants to be free, who is at the center of a tug-of-war between America, Iraqi resistance fighters, opportunist foreign fighters, Islamic fundamentalists, Christians, Kurds, Shiites, Sunni, etc. The need to be supported in their effort to try to create a democracy in all this chaos. And to simply see every effort at helping the country, as just a sign of approval for Bush's politics is extremely stubborn, blind and immensely destructive.
The only hope for a country like Iraq is to encourage it through as many mediums as possible, especially economical.
To turn one's back on them now, is to condemn them to a future without democracy...but then maybe that's what many people want: at least they can say they were right all along.

3:37 PM  

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