Yeah, it is her. She is a woman, from Eastern Germany and Protestant: She will get a huge bonus for representing three depressed groups in our beloved country. Angela Merkel is the candidate for the "Union" in the next election that is supposed to take place in September. "Merkel verfrühstückt Stoiber" is my favourite headline for tomorrow, in part because I said it, before I read it anywhere. Maybe the taz will use it (for those who do not understand German: "verfrühstückt" means have somebody for breakfast, in this case referring to the last breakfast of Stoiber and Merkel, where she had to declare afterwards that he would become candidate).
Anyway, will Germany, or Berlin, become Chancerlorsville? I hope not, but I fear yes. There are only few factors that might make her loose the election: a comeback of the SPD ( unlikely at the moment), mistakes in the campaign and a backslahs due to the upcoming concept of the CDU/CSU. Most probably, Merkel will be the next Chancellor, maybe of a CDU/CSU-FDP-government or CDU/CSU-SPD. The unknown factor are the greens. At the moment with huge problems, but if Fischer can regain public support, his party might get eight percent. The FDP will only get around six percent. If the PDS gets at least five percent, the chances for a big coalition will increase. The next two months will decide how thrilling the election will become.
The media is happy with the development - a "Sommerloch" without news won't happen this year.
Anyway, will Germany, or Berlin, become Chancerlorsville? I hope not, but I fear yes. There are only few factors that might make her loose the election: a comeback of the SPD ( unlikely at the moment), mistakes in the campaign and a backslahs due to the upcoming concept of the CDU/CSU. Most probably, Merkel will be the next Chancellor, maybe of a CDU/CSU-FDP-government or CDU/CSU-SPD. The unknown factor are the greens. At the moment with huge problems, but if Fischer can regain public support, his party might get eight percent. The FDP will only get around six percent. If the PDS gets at least five percent, the chances for a big coalition will increase. The next two months will decide how thrilling the election will become.
The media is happy with the development - a "Sommerloch" without news won't happen this year.
Yeah...isn't it sad when news is news, but really nothing is happenning or changing, just someone else has taken a seat on the Reise nach Jerusalem?
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