Friday, June 24, 2005


Strange how memories are related to smells. Yesterday, I met a guy who smelled out of his mouth. It was the smell of someone who had drank coffee. Nothing unusual I know. But there was something else, a different smell. It took me a while to recognize it: The smell was a mixture of hospital and disinfectant. On my mind were pictures of my time as   "conscientious objector" (I do not consider me as being a draft dodger) when I took care of seniors who needed help washing themselves, shopping or just needed company. Although this guy was only managing director of a nursing service and not a simple nurse, he had this smell on him.
To hate someone's guts is an expression with a deep sence IMO. With most people it is easy to say when you meet them for the first time if you like them or not. If not it has often to do with the smell.
I would like to recommand the movie "Naked" by Doris Dörrie to you. Not bceause most of the characters were filmed without cloths and not because it is thrilling or funny. No, as a film it is pretty bad as it is too much like a theatre play. However there are some good thoughts in it. About relationships, how you smell and feel your partner, how you see him or her, how insecure women are when men do not speak about there feelings. And one woman and and man had an affair of which nothing came out of. Sex was bad because they both thought the other one smelled bad.
Anyway, watch the movie when you like to turn philosophical. There are good dialogues about the importance of moments. How one moment may change everything.
Think of it, at least for a moment.


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